Libri: ultime notizie e recensioni di libri archivio 2008

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When to Intervene

12 Dicembre 2008 12:00
da: The New York Times It is hard to date exactly when humanitarianism got decisively bound up with making ...

Thinly Veiled

12 Dicembre 2008 12:00
da: The New York Times For some devout Muslims, perhaps the most objectionable chapter in Salman Rushdie’s “Satanic Verses” ...

A Life Split in Two

21 Novembre 2008 12:00
da: The New York Times A great writer requires a great biography, and a great biography must tell the ...

Disaster Reel

1 Novembre 2008 12:00
da: The New York Times In the early-morning hours of Oct. 1, 1910, a huge explosion rocked the headquarters ...

Passing the Torch

13 Luglio 2008 12:00
da: The New York Times A desperate search is under way these days among authors for the epic sports ...

My Father’s War

13 Luglio 2008 12:00
da: The New York Times Do we really need yet another Vietnam memoir? Yes, as it turns out. True, ...